Migrants, tourists and all sorts of ‘hated invaders’
Let’s analyze one of the most heated discussion subject by using some cooling, scientific approach to it
Nowadays in many european countries, and in the United States as well, there’s is a subject in the political agenda that stirs a lot of heated reactions among the public, according to disturbing events in the latest years: the problem of the uncontrolled, massive migrations from Third World countries to Western, wealthy ones.
In some western (and non-western) european countries like Germany, France, Netherlands or the UK, far-right parties have been thrieving supported by a significant mass of voters that feel scared by the rapid increase of foreign population, basically from Africa and muslim countries. This phenomenon is firing some coexistence conflicts between locals and fresh migrants from those countries.
In the United States, president candidates like Donald Trump are using the building of a gigantic fence in the southern border to stop the massive tide of undocumented people arriving from Mexico and other countries of latin america and the rest of the world.
In several touristic cities and islands, mainly among southern Europe, they are planning different gruesome measures to stop the avalanche of…